Introduction: We shall endeavour to ensure that all of our obligations are fulfilled to the best of our ability and we are confident that you, our clients, will honour their contract in return. Your attention is drawn to the following terms of business before making your booking.

What the price includes: All the prices shown are for the weekly rental of villas and apartments according to the season. Included in the rent for villas and apartments are electricity, gas, water and linen, the services of our local representative, and pool maintenance for individual villas with private pools. Mid stay cleans and linen is changed at the end of each week on rentals over 10 days. Please ask for details at reception when checking in.

Not included: Transfers to and from the accommodation, insurance, car hire and flight costs.

Deposits: On arrival at Mar Menor Management offices you will be required to fill and sign a document to cover for the required depostis. If the document is not completed and signed (including your credit card details), you will need to pay a deposit of £50 per set of keys as well as a damage deposit of £500 per property. A credit card impression may be left to cover the required deposits.

Price guarantee: All prices are fully guaranteed against surcharges, subject only to Government action.

Accommodation Descriptions: The descriptions and information have been made in good faith and are not intended to mislead, it is possible, however, that changes in facilities may occur as properties could be upgraded. In this event, we endeavour to communicate such changes, but cannot be held responsible for resulting inaccuracies. The electricity and water supply is often not as reliable as in the UK. Short breaks in the supply do sometimes occur. We cannot be held responsible for this or any other lack of facility beyond our control. Only those persons named on the booking form, shall be allowed to occupy the accommodation and under no circumstances may the maximum number of persons appropriate for the accommodation type, be exceeded without prior permission. Extra beds in the accommodation can sometimes be provided and a price supplement will be added to your account. All villas and apartments are privately owned and Mar Menor Management is acting as an agent for the owners or their representatives. All reasonable care in making arrangements for the accommodation offered on the website, but it does not own the properties, hire cars or other facilities mentioned. It does not, therefore, accept any liability for death, personal injury, loss, damage or inconvenience arising from the provisions of the accommodation where due to neglect, act of omission of any other company, form or individual or the employees.

Building work and the resulting noise from the site may occur at any time during low and mid-season at an adjacent property. Obviously, this is beyond Mar Menor Managements control.

Electrical appliances: Any breakdown of appliances must be reported to Mar Menor Management at once. Every effort will be made to ensure these electrical appliances are repaired as soon as possible.

Swimming pools are not always fenced off and none has lifeguards so the health and safety of yourselves and your family are your own responsibility.

As agents we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any matter outside the reasonable control including (but not limited to) acts of God, civil disturbances, war, global pandemics, force majeure etc. Clients should take out their own insurance to cover any of these circumstances.

Vacating your property: Guests are required to vacate their property and return the key to the appropriate representative/agent by 1O:OOhrs on their day of departure to facilitate changing and servicing prior to the arrival of incoming guests.

Breakages: All breakages must be reported to Mar Menor Management immediately and these must be paid for locally before vacating the accommodation. We also reserve the right to charge for damage or breakages not reported and found after departure.

Cancellations by the client: Should you wish to cancel or amend your booking once it has been accepted, we must receive written instructions to this effect, when the following charges become payable by you:

More than 10 weeks / Deposit only
4-10 weeks / 50% or deposit if greater
2-4 weeks / 70% or deposit if greater
1-2 weeks / 85% or deposit if greater
7 Days or less / 100%

Balances are due 10 weeks prior to your arrival. If this balance is NOT received, within 7 days following due date, cancellation may be assumed with consequent loss of deposits and/or cancellation charges applied as laid out above: In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your holiday through circumstances beyond our control, we shall make every endeavor to offer you suitable alternatives of similar or higher standard (without any extra charge to you).

If the alternative is not acceptable to you, you should notify us by return and we will refund ALL monies paid. Refunds will not be payable if we are forced to cancel or in any other way change your booking due to war, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, global pandemics, force majeure, etc.. We recommend all clients ensure they have the correct holiday insurance to cover them during these events.

Amendments to your booking: We strongly advise you to book all of your holiday requirements at the same time. All amendments should be notified in writing.

Complaints: In the unlikely event that you have a complaint whilst you are on holiday, please inform Mar Menor Management, as soon as possible. Many problems can be solved on the spot if action is taken promptly, but we can only help you if you tell us your problem. If the complaint cannot be sorted out to your satisfaction while on holiday, then you must make a formal written complaint to Mar Menor Management within 14 days of your return from holiday. We will not accept any complaints or any responsibility after this period has elapsed.

Payment of your deposit signifies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

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